2019 Amicus Ambush: Mixed Teams
The 2019 Amicus Ambush is going to be a mixed teams competition! Grab your swolemate, gym buddy, or soon-to-be best friend from the folks looking for partners in the Facebook event page, and get registered!
There will be scaled, intermediate, and RX divisions, so everyone can compete! There's a three event minimum guarantee for all athletes, and the WoDs will be released in advance.
Early Registration:$100 per team, plus Wodify Arena fees (approximately $13). All registrants in this time frame will receive a competition t-shirt. Deadline is December 31, 2018.
"I have commitment issues" registration: January 1 - February 2, 2019. $125 per team, (approximately $13), still guaranteed a competition shirt.
"I'm spontaneous like that" registration: February 3, 2019 - 7:00 am on competition day. $150 plus Wodify Arena fees (approximately $13), no guarantee of a competition shirt, but some may be available for purchase at the event.
Both teammates can do the following for reps:
Snatch 185/115
Clean and Jerk 225/145
Deadlift 275/185
Toes to Bar
Chest to Bar
1 team member can do the following:
Bar Muscle Up
Handwalk 5’ unbroken
Both teammates can perform the following for reps:
Snatch 135/85
Clean and Jerk 185/115
Deadlift 225/155
Pull ups
1 teammate can do the following:
Toes to Bar
Both teammates can perform the following for reps:
Snatch 95/65
Clean and Jerk 135/85
Deadlift 185/125
Ring Rows
Push ups
Abmat Sit-ups
Wallballs (14/10)
Join us after the competition at the Rock Corner Bar!
If you're staying overnight, the Hampton Inn has a block of rooms for Ambush participants for $80/night. The hotel is comfy and clean and has a hot breakfast included. Real talk: sometimes I just want to swing in for the breakfast. You can call the hotel or click the link below.